Temporary Grandfathering option for the higher designation of Chartered Financial Divorce Specialist – Advanced Accredited (CFDS-AA)

For Chartered Financial Divorce Specialists interested in the temporary grandfathering option for the higher designation of CFDS - Advanced Accredited (CFDS-AA) before June 30th.
Canada’s Financial Divorce Planning designation (CFDS) is launching a mentorship program
CFDS-AA designation & grandfathering

For financial planners interested in the temporary grandfathering option for the higher designation of Chartered Financial Divorce Specialists – Advanced Accredited (CFDS-AA) before June 30th.

The following requirements must be met to be grandfathered:
– Graduated CFDS
– E & O insurance coverage up to date
– Three (3) letters of endorsement from other professionals who worked on cases together
– Checklist for endorsement (see application)
– Proof of other designations (if applicable)

For those eligible to be grandfathered, the price will increase over the summer as follows:
April to June 30th – $200 + HST
July 1st to August 31st – $500 + HST
The criteria to determine eligibility for grandfathering is available via a preliminary form you can request via info@afds.ca specifying ‘Mentor Designation Grandfathering’ in the subject line.
