Why financial literacy needs to be tied to kids’ real lives to sink in

Why financial literacy needs to be tied to kids’ real lives to sink in Deanne Gage Globe & Mail

With a deficiency of financial literacy education in schools, some advisors are taking matters into their own hands by teaching children directly about money matters […]

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CFDS-AA: Tanya Sterling, Victoria, BC 

Meet our first CFDS-AA’s who successfully satisfied the standards for holding this designation: Tanya Sterling, Victoria, BC

Meet our first CFDS-AA’s who successfully satisfied the standards for holding this designation: Tanya Sterling, Victoria, BC

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Recent Graduate – Jerusha Letal

Congratulations to Jerusha Letal, a recent Chartered Financial Divorce Specialist (CFDS) graduate. Jerusha is in Calgary, Alberta and completed her CFDS training

Mar 2022
Congratulations to Jerusha Letal, a recent Chartered Financial Divorce Specialist (CFDS) graduate. Jerusha is in Calgary, Alberta and completed her CFDS training […]

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