In a changing world, better understanding what is needed to serve the diverse population can strengthen your practice.
As multi-culturalism and diversity in families increases, collaborative practitioners must become culturally competent to serve the interests of their clients. Perspectives nuanced in cultural differences among separating parties and among team members increases the complexity of interactions and resolution. Cultural differences also act as barriers to the creation of inclusive Collaborative Practice groups and organizations.
A first step to increasing cultural competence is awareness. Learn the essential components of cultural awareness which require including the intelligence(s) of your head, heart, and body. This will enhance your ability to collaborate more effectively and be more consciously inclusive.
Presenters: Anu Osborne & Vanita Bellen
90 minutes
Time Zone start times:
British Columbia……………….. 10:00 AM
Alberta……………………………… 11:00 AM
Saskatchewan…………………… 11:00 AM
Manitoba…………………………… 12:00 PM
Ontario……………………………… 1:00 PM
Quebec……………………………… 1:00 PM
Nova Scotia,
New Brunswick & PEI…………… 2:00 PM
Newfoundland…………………….. 2:30 PM