Jan 24th at 2 – 3:30 pm EST
Muriel Moscovich of CPA Claims will be presenting how to put practices in place to protect your business.
Divorce Financial Planners work with clients at a time when their emotions tend to override logic and exhibit behaviour in ways they would not otherwise demonstrate.
Many clients will have preconceived expectations of their separations’ financial results, or an opinion differing from the monetary reality regarding the actual amount of time financial divorce planner takes to complete. The true cost of these services is often misunderstood. Clients may also assume Chartered Financial Divorce Specialists have some way to grant their wishes so they can get all they feel entitled to from their ex.
When a client’s outcome does not match what they believe is “fair”, unbiased, and satisfactory, they may resort lash out at professionals. In some cases, they may try to say they are the vulnerable party who has been wronged and try to mitigate their emotions by lodging a complaint.
Learn more of what financial advisors can do to minimize client allegations against you or your work from Muriel’s insights.
Contact AFDS directly to attend this webinar or email.