Canada’s Financial Divorce Planning designation (CFDS) is launching a mentorship program

For Chartered Financial Divorce Specialists interested in the temporary grandfathering option for the higher designation of CFDS - Advanced Accredited (CFDS-AA) before June 30th.
CFDS-AA Mentorship Program Advanced Accredited designation & grandfathering

The program is for members to hone their practical skills and requires 50 hours to complete.

It is for newly minted CFDS graduates, those who need to kick-start or refresh their practice, and for seasoned members who wish to take their skills to the next level.

Upon completion, you will receive the higher designation of

Chartered Financial Divorce Specialist – Advanced Accredited (CFDS-AA) designation.

Module 1

  • Skill Building by Observation – Shadow Analysis
  • 10 hours

Module 2

  • Skill Building by Simulation – The Work of the Financial Professional
  • 20 hours

Module 3

  • Skill Building by Live Case Facilitation – Being the Financial Neutral
  • 20 hours

Module 4 – optional

  1. Building Your Practice – group sessions
  2. Personalized Building Your Practice – individual

The mentoring program will initially be available to 3 applicants, with an expected official launch in September.

Click here to apply as one of the first three Students to be mentored

If you are already qualified, there will be a temporary grandfathering option available from now until the September.

The following requirements must be met to be grandfathered:

  • Graduated CFDS
  • E & O insurance coverage up to date
  • Three (3) letters of endorsement from other professionals who worked on cases together
    • Checklist for endorsement (see application)
  • Proof of other designations (if applicable)

For those eligible to be grandfathered, the price will increase over the summer as follows:

April to June 30th – $200 + HST

July 1st to August 31st – $500 + HST

The criteria to determine eligibility for grandfathering is available via a preliminary form you can request via specifying ‘Mentor Designation Grandfathering’ in the subject line.
