Dec 29, 2020
Dec 29,2020
Industry News
Regarding the Chartered Financial Divorce Specialists Professionals
Academy accepts Institute Members
In the New Year, the Canadian Academy of Financial Divorce Specialists (AFDS) will begin to accept those Canadian members of the Institute of Divorce Financial Analysts (IDFA) who will no longer be supported by the American organization.
Qualifying former IDFA members will become Chartered Financial Divorce Specialists (CFDS) with access to all resources, propriety software, membership services and support.
Negotiations took place between the two organizations over the past several months to insure the least inconvenience to members of the Institute. The move will remove some confusion that existed with the public, and in the legal community, with respect to the two different designations, although both provided the same type of service to assist families with the financial aspects of separation and divorce.
Going forward, the Institute will serve their Certified Divorce Financial Analysts (CDFA) American members, and the Academy will serve all Canadian Chartered Financial Divorce Specialists (CFDS).
Chartered Financial Divorce Specialists are true neutrals who do not offer legal or other advice but do provide objective scenarios with respect to division of assets, income, tax considerations and post-divorce budgeting management.